Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MTC Recap

Well it’s my last week in the MTC!!! I got my flight plans last Friday! I leave at six in the morning with a two hour layover in Texas. I’ll be sending my photo card home so you can add some pictures onto my blog.

Man! Nothing really happens here! I’m sure that will change when I get to Mexico. I guess Ill just go over the statistics of my stay here at the MTC.

I’ve spent 56 days here and it doesn't feel like it was that long.

I’ve eaten roughly 168 meals

21 people asked if i was from the colonies.

I’ve had three restless nights

I’ve lost my mind twice.

I’ve learned all conjugations in Spanish in seven weeks.

My companion said that he loved me 23 times

I said that I loved him 5 times

I’ve sat at least 30 feet from 4 apostles and 3 general authorities.

I went to salt lake.

I scared a Mexican

I scared an islamian.

I scared a frenchian.

I scared myself.

I’ve read the book of mormon 1 1/2 times since I’ve been here.

I’ve read half of the bible (in Spanish)

and I’ve never cried so much in my life and felt good about it.

Well ill just say that I am very excited to leave and ill be sure to take a bunch of pictures and send them immediately when I get there.

Élder Whetten

1 comment:

TBrooks said...

Oh! I'm so excited for him! It's so much fun to read and hear how much his testimony has grown. It takes a real man to cry and be proud of it! Way to go, Jay!